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Day 6 - Monteverde Institute

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

One of my favorite moments in Costa Rica was working on the reforestation project and visiting the Institutio Monteverde. My favorite aspects about Costa Rica are their dedication to preserving the environment and saving wild life. During our time at the institute, I learned how to properly pack soil into tree bags which is a crucial step for the survivability of the sapling. We also discussed planting trees that release oxygen which helps more plants flourish that then support the rain forest ecosystem.

The institution's purpose is to create innovative solutions to address environmental issues. I was amazed by their research and it’s impact on the Costa Rican community. Their community center is open to adults and children for events and resources like their Wi-Fi Cafe and weekly arts & crafts sessions.

The institute invites and encourages students, interns and volunteers to collect data on an issue, propose solutions, then create prototypes for resolution. For example, they created a compost toilet that uses dirt instead of water. It cuts down on water use that can be used to other things. Also, they collect rain water from roofs that they then use for washing cars, laundry, and dishes. More than 95% of Costa Rica’s energy is from renewable sources such as hydroelectricity and solar panels. I believe from this global experience, I have a greater appreciation for nature and the environment and will endeavor to live a more eco-responsible life.

-Jewel Edwards

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