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Day 4 - Horseback Riding

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

When I was first informed that we would be going to Costa Rica for our Close Scholars trip I was a little worried. I had never been out of the country before and going somewhere that wasn’t a huge city that I had seen on tv or in the movies was daunting. I was (and still am) extremely grateful for the opportunity but I had no idea what to expect out of the trip. In the nine days we were there every uneasy feeling that I had going into the trip was dismissed. The landscape and sights were breathtaking. The people were extremely warm and friendly. Our tour guide and driver were some of the most genuine individuals that I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. Though everything that we experienced on the trip was spectacular, there were some things that really prompted a change in perspective for me. The service projects we engaged in, visiting the orphanage and assisting with the reforestation projects, opened my mind up to service in a new way. It is so easy to be wrapped up in yourself in America but by taking part in these activities I was able to find a new meaning to global service. Visiting the children at the orphanage and hearing about the things that they go through or had gone through in the past has not only made me appreciate the things that I have and the life that I have lived more, but also inspired me to be a helping hand to children in similar situations in a way that I never have before. I definitely plan to delve further into work that can not only can benefit the children that I visited but also children who are experiencing the same situations globally.

Beyond those experiences one excursion that really touched me was the horseback riding. In the two hours that we rode horses we saw amazing sights. The views were unlike anything I had ever experienced before. While riding I felt a sense of euphoria and freedom that I had never experienced before. A wave of gratitude washed over me and covered me from the beginning to the end. There are so many people that would kill for the opportunity that we had and the experience really made me want to open up similar doors for others in the future. One of the most astonishing parts about the trip was seeing the scholars around me challenge each other to shatter their anxieties and concerns. Regardless of what activity we were experiencing, everyone was encouraging and supportive of one another. Even when some chose to sit out of certain experiences they weren’t made to feel bad about not facing it. They were met with warm attitudes and smiles as we returned. I can honestly say that this trip has strengthened the relationships of not only the scholars but with our advisors as well and the synergy that now flows between this group is invaluable. I am grateful to have experienced this at the tail end of my junior year and I am excited to turn the spark that this trip ignited inside me into a burning fire of leadership, passion, and most of all, service on our arrival back in the states.

-Karl Vogl II

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